"The Cathedral of Bourges, France, Summer 2023"
42 cm by 29 cm, acrylics on paper

Thursday, August 17, 2023, part two

We set off in search of the Cathedral of Bourges. It is actually a very small town, but cozy. It was super hot and walking felt harder than normal. 

With the cover of my next publication in mind, I went looking for chairs because most of my covers have something to do with sitting. I found some appealing compositions that I'm adding to this story.



"Interior of the Cathedral of Bourges, France, Summer 2023"
 42 by 29 cm, acrylics on paper





"A chair in Bourges, France, Summer 2023" and "Chairs in the Cathedral of Bourges, France, Summer 2023"
 both 42 by 29 cm, acrylics on paper


villa global - group exhibition
pastoor de clerckstraat 2, 3020 veltem
may 11+12 and 18+19+20, 2024: 14-19h



en route - group exhibition - dendermonde - september 8, 2024
group exhibition - contemporary art space, zottegem - november 2024
open studio days - may 17+18, 2025
vacation memories - solo exhibition - groenhove, torhout - september 2025