"Winter trees, Zottegem, February 2023"
40 by 30 cm, Acrylics on paper on a wooden panel

Monday, February 27, 2023

Winter has no color. Everything is grey. The days are getting longer, but when it's cloudy you don't see much of that. Seeing is believing. So not seeing is not believing. I no longer believe this will end. This is taking too long.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

It's snowing! This morning I woke up with a thick layer of white snow covering my world. It's beautiful to see how a colourless layer on our roofs merges with the colourless sky. As if a lot has been erased and the world has become a smaller place.

House in the snow

"House in the snow, Zottegem, Winter 2023"
29 by 29 cm, Acrylics on Paper


Cyanotypes of "Winter trees, Zottegem, February 2023" on paper, different size


villa global - group exhibition
pastoor de clerckstraat 2, 3020 veltem
may 11+12 and 18+19+20, 2024: 14-19h



group exhibition - contemporary art space, zottegem - november 2024
open studio days - may 17+18, 2025
vacation memories - solo exhibition - groenhove, torhout - september 2025