"An Autumn walk in Wortel, Fall 2021"
Acrylics on canvas, 60 cm by 60 cm


Sunday, December 19, 2021

We celebrated my mothers 70th birthday in October of this year. For that occasion, me and my two sisters got together to eat and enjoy a walk in nature. We chose the town Wortel as our getaway. It is a funny name. It means carrot or root in Dutch. 

Wortel is a village in the Belgian municipality of Hoogstraten and was established in the early 19th century by the Society of Benevolence as a farming colony for the able-bodied working poor. It was meant to provide employment during a time when poverty rates were very high . The landscapes are very interesting, carved by humans ... long straight lanes with very symmetrical plans.

This is a first version of an image I took of that Autumn walk, a memory of a family moment.





kunstkamer, bergstraat 27, oudenaarde
april 20 > may 12, 2024

weekends: 14-18h
+ april 26, may 3: 18-21h
+ may 1, 9, 10: 14-18h



may 4+5, 2024 - open studio days - 11-18h
may 11+12, 2024 - private views, sombeke + hamme - 14-18h